Hi, my name is Naveen Thurimerla
I work as a Senior Data Engineer.

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About me

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I began my career with hello world and am now developing pipelines in the data world. Expertise in developing complex SQL queries and database troubleshooting. Proficient in building data pipelines, web applications, and APIs with Python and NodeJS using cloud services such as AWS and Azure. Skilled in database design, management, development, management, and visualization and analysis. I'm more of a problem solver than a programmer. I am very excited about working on any technology.


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e(g)it is an app for replacing text in files across multiple GitHub repositories.

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Modelt(mow·delt) is a modern data integration solution that connects data to data for advanced analytics.

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The GitHub Reporting And Integration Platform (GRIP) uses APIs to sync and visualize data from GitHub databases.

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SatelliteDB is a database object schema extraction and versioning tool.

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Shopify Daisy

Shopify Daisy(Database Integration System) is a system for continuously replicating data from Shopify to the databases.

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The platform connects donors and seekers.

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COVID-19 India

India COVID-19 interactive dashboards and news.

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Streamlit Data App

NYPD Crime Data Analysis App

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QR Code Generator

Web application for generating various QR codes.

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All of India's healthcare services and public data are available under one roof, with a single (EK) click and quick access to data. Healthcare Eco, single click, data quick.

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Random Password Generator

Random password generator, generate secure and strong random password online.

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Music Box

Python-based Music API using GraphQL and Django
